In order to maintain high quality standards ETV devotes painstaking care to all production
stages. Under the
supervision of highly qualified specialists, in our laboratories we develop automated electronic
(including the relevant software) for the following applications:
In addition to meter counters, pulse counters, induction or optical yarn counters, and antistatic bars, ETV is always ready to produce automation on request.
Manufacturers of textile machinery • Spinning mills
Cone winding
Weaving mills
Dyeworks and printworks • Finishing
Fabric control
Paper mills in general
ETV Elettronica Tessile Varese Srl - C.F. / P. IVA 02736160124 • Registro Imprese di Varese 02736160124 • Capitale sociale € 25.000 interamente versato • Numero REA VA • 282327 • PEC info@pec.etvsrl.com • Privacy Policy - Cookie Policy - Update your privacy preferences