ETV specializes in the production of hardware and software devices that allow for precise
measurement of temperature and residual humidity in fabrics and yarns, improving the performance of textile
Since 1968, ETV sensor systems have been recording production data in real time and enabling
optimal machine adjustment.
- ETV Means
Increase in production
Those who choose ETV choose an experienced, innovative, and efficient partner.
the installation of an ETV system, the quantity of processed product can be increased in the same
amount of time, with fewer errors and lower costs.
- ETV Means
Improved and consistent quality
Those who choose the systems designed and built by ETV experience a more efficient production process with optimal output, significant reduction in production costs, and a real possibility of being competitive in the market.
- ETV Means
Significant cost savings
The ETV products are constantly updated to ensure the best performance: those who choose these products experience a significant reduction in production costs and important energy savings.
- ETV Means
Innovation, sustainability, and Industry 4.0
All ETV products enable energy savings, reduction of emissions and production waste, and optimization of production processes. Additionally, they allow network connectivity for efficient information management between multiple devices and remote production monitoring.
- La storia
Elettronica Tessile Varese srl was established in 1968 by two electrical engineering technicians who had gained substantial experience in applications for the textile industry.
During the 70s and 80s our business thrived, taking advantage of our strategically valuable location—close to Como, just north of the Milan hinterland and not far from Biella, all world- renowned textile manufacturing areas.
2002 stands for a turning point in our history
First, a generational handover took place; second, we moved to the current HQ in Induno Olona.
Under a new name, “ETV Elettronica Tessile Varese srl“, our company kept making a name for itself as an
industrial partner of excellence and began to expand into international markets.
The changes to our corporate image mirrors ETV’s still evolving history. Un nuevo logotipo, un nuevo sitio
web, A new logotype, a new website, a new forward momentum to keep growing.
The goal we pursue
Our foremost goal is to ensure the highest level of customers satisfaction are maintained.
What the industry mostly wants includes: better and even, repeatable quality results; energy saving; no need
for reprocessing; and a higher output.
ETV is very well aware of these demands and equally determined to provide efficient and effective solutions.
- The Experience
ETV has already deployed a number of installations in the paper and textile industry;
indeed, our highly advanced technology and our extensive amount of field experience enabled us to gain
international recognition.
Our close cooperation with most textile machinery manufacturers and our worldwide collaborative
manufacturing partnership approach played a major role in allowing us to build on almost five decades of
Today, we are a cutting-edge manufacturer of industrial equipment designed to address and solve any
production issue affecting the textile and paper industry.
- The production
In order to maintain high quality standards ETV devotes painstaking care to all production stages. Under the supervision of highly qualified specialists.
- The Products
While accuracy in measurements is obviously our paramount concern, we also strive to
gather said measurements as rapidly as possible and to share them on the company network, thus
enabling our clients to monitor their manufacturing process even more efficiently.
This is why we are developing our products in such as way as to meet our clients’ requirements as
well as to face any issues which may arise during the manufacturing process.
To us, investing
in R&D means finding solutions rather than just churning out new products.
More efficiency, greater ease of use, for a truly superior performance.
A correct relationship with customers is the key element of our success,persuaded as we are that understanding their needs leads to lower costs and better results.
We can design custom equipment intended to solve specific problems, carefully developing hardware and software internals in line with our usual high quality standards.
All devices and equipment are developed with painstaking accuracy and professionalism within our laboratories, led by highly skilled personnel.
Our products are always tested to ensure proper operation and keep the manufacturing process under control.
We area always ready to support our customers through our spare parts/technical assistance service, available via phone and email.
Our Company unify a professional team who developped a work experience in some of the most
important textile Companies all over the world.
We offer to our Customers consulting support for :
We have got also electronic and mechanical specialists for textile machineries check up.
ETV Elettronica Tessile Varese Srl - C.F. / P. IVA 02736160124 • Registro Imprese di Varese 02736160124 • Capitale sociale € 25.000 interamente versato • Numero REA VA • 282327 • PEC info@pec.etvsrl.com • Privacy Policy - Cookie Policy - Update your privacy preferences